Welcome to the Assignar Support Center

How can we help you today?

  • Getting Started

    Getting Started

    Start here for an introduction to using Assignar. Learn how to navigate and set up your Assignar environment for success. Also includes common Product Vocabulary.

  • Scheduling Crews & Equipment

    Scheduling Crews & Equipment

    Allocate your people and equipment where they need to be and see resource locations at a glance. Create orders, assign shifts, and notify workers immediately via SMS. Here you can also learn about automatically matching skills and requirements to tasks and activities.

  • Forms & Field Data

    Forms & Field Data

    Create custom forms to help you capture real-time data and details you can submit from your jobsites. From digital equipment pre-checks to incident reports, access to forms & field data helps you meet safety and compliance standards.

  • Time Tracking

    Time Tracking

    Track time from the Field as a worker or supervisor. Review, edit, run overtime rules, and approve time from the Office.

  • Reporting & Analytics

    Reporting & Analytics

    Unlock the full potential of the field data you are collecting with Assignar. Leverage our reporting tools to answer key business questions and visualize your operations in a whole new way. Think data visualizations, automated reports scheduling, data sharing and exports.

  • Integrations


    We offer a suite of integrations through our partnerships with ERP and accounting systems you love. We've made it easy to pull projects and resources data in and send time data out of our platform.

  • Assignar Mobile App

    Assignar Mobile App

    View your assignments, submit timesheets and forms, capture site progress + more! Includes Artículos de Ayuda (Spanish translations)

  • Product Updates

    Product Updates

    Find details about our most recent Product Releases, and notice of upcoming releases for Assignar Web and Mobile Apps!