Adjust Working Times for Shifts & Workers

  • Updated

In this article you will learn how to update start and end times for each day of work to adapt to changes on the job site, weather conditions etc.  Keep reading to learn more.  Watch the video first and then read on to learn more.

Set your base Start & End times

When creating or editing a Work Order in Assignar, you can specify the start and end time for each role.  This will inherit you default shift settings.  Adjust these to your requirements and they will be the base shift time for each day of work that this role is used.


Updating Shift Start & End Times for a Day of Work

On the Scheduling Timeline View, you have the option to modify the start and end times for a single day.  Start by clicking the menu next to the role name on the shift card, then choose the Edit start/end time option.


Next you are able to adjust the start and end times for the role.  You can choose to update today or all future shifts for the role.  Note: you cannot update start/end times for shifts that have already started.

When you return to the scheduler you'll be able to see the updated times and these will be reflected in the user's schedule in the mobile app.  There will also be an indicator present showing that the time has been modified.  Click the clock icon to adjust the time again or to restore to the base time for the role.

Updating Shift Times in Bulk for a Day

If you'd like to adjust multiple role start / end times at once you can use the bulk update tool.  Get started by clicking the menu in the header of the shift card next to your notes.


In the window that opens you can choose to make adjustments to all roles.  If there is a role you do not wish to adjust simply uncheck the box to the right and no updates will be applied.  Again, you can choose to override the times for one day or for all future shifts.  Hit save and you will see all of the times adjusted and the new times will be reflected for workers in the mobile application.


Adjusting the Time for an Individual Worker

Say you need to have one worker show up a few minutes early to site to recieve materials or meet with a different contractor on site, you can do this by updating an individual's start/end times.  Get started by clicking on the menu next to a worker name.


In the window that opens you can adjust the start/end for the worker and again apply to just one day or to future days.

After saving when you land back on the scheduler you'll be able to see that this workers time has been updated.  They stay grouped with the role they are assigned but have an indicator showing the new time.  This time will appear on the user's mobile app.  Clicking the icon and the time will reopen the window should you need to modify or restore the default.


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