Who Can Submit an Unscheduled Site Diary?

Workers Added to a Supervisor Role Can Submit Unscheduled Site Diaries

Not every Worker has access to create an Unscheduled Site Diary. To give specific Workers access to this feature, you will set it up from the Dashboard.


Navigate to the Assignar Dashboard:

  1. On the left side panel, go to Resources > Tasks
    1. Tasks may be renamed to something else in your system e.g., Roles
  2. View one of your Tasks
  3. If the Task is marked 'Supervisor' and has individual Workers listed, those individuals have the ability to create an Unscheduled Site Diary.
  4. To give a Worker access, add their name to the list of Workers
  5. Tap Save!

Tip: For workers to access the Unscheduled Site Diary feature on mobile, they must be assigned to a Task, and the Task must have the 'Supervisor' checkbox selected


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