Unscheduled Site Diaries allow your Supervisor/Foreman to capture Timesheets and other important information from the job site quickly, no scheduling required. Emergency work and last minute jobs happen on a moment's notice. For that reason, documenting work on-the-fly is easy and can be linked to an Order later, if needed.
Getting Started on Mobile
- Tap the + button and choose Site Diary
- Choose a Client and/or Project (Project is optional)
Adding Timesheets
- Tap + Timesheets to add time for your crew
- Tap + Workers to build out your crew
- Choose a Role and select your Workers
- Tip: If you have Workers with different Roles, repeat the + Workers step to add more people with different Roles
- If you're logging time for yourself, don't forget to add yourself as a Worker!
- Once you have everyone in your crew, tap Next to add Time, Equipment, and Allowances.
- If everything looks good, tap Save!
Progress, Notes, Additional Questions, Weather
- Tap + in other sections to log things like Progress, Notes, and Additional Questions.
- Once everything is captured, tap Sign and Submit to send the document back to the office.
- If you don't see the +Site Diary option on your mobile home screen, please check with your Admin team to request access.
- Don't forget your own Timesheet, make sure you choose yourself as a Worker when you build out your crew!
- To learn how to set up a user to have access to submit Unscheduled Site Diaries. Click here.