Conditional Questions in a Form

  • Updated

Who this feature is for

  • Dashboard Users with access to Forms in the Assignar Web App.
  • Those responsible for building and distributing Forms to workers.

Conditional Questions can be used to create smarter Forms. They allow your workers to bypass irrelevant questions and only show questions based on answers given. 


To begin, decide what your main question will be

For example on a Vehicle Checklist form, your main question can be:

  • Are the brakes working ok? YES or NO


Next, tap the Conditional box

Here is where you can then setup your Conditional Questions.

In this example, if the worker answered YES, the form can be continued. If NO, then you ask Please take a photo of the defect.

Should Display

Two options will show - Yes or No. This refers to if you would like the conditional question to show.

When the question

Select which question you would like the current question to be conditional off

Has the value

Two options will show. Any value or specific value. This is where you will define if this question will show if a specific condition has been met.

Enter value

If you have chosen a specific value in the previous drop down field, the specific value will need to be entered here. It is important to note that it needs to be exactly as is in the previous question as it will pick up the exact spelling, spacing and lettering. 



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