This saves your worker needing to come into the office and scan their new competency or induction into the system.
The updated details are held in the document uploads list until they are approved. Once approved, they are attached to the fieldworker’s profile and used for skills validation during resource allocation.
Competency Mobile Upload
Click Users Mobile Uploads.
Click the Competencies tab to see a list of all competency details uploaded by fieldworkers using the Fieldworker app.
Start typing in the search bar to filter the list or search for a specific competency /s, e.g. by user or competency name, expiry or upload date.
Click ˅ or ˄ at the top of any column to sort the list alphabetically (or numerically, depending on the column) in ascending or descending order.
Click on a competency image to view the detail. Here you can rotate the image and/or print the competency detail. Click Close when you’re finished.
If the competency image is unclear or invalid, send an SMS or call the fieldworker and ask them to re-send.
You can click the yellow button to edit the competency. You can change the competency type they are requesting, image or comment. Click Update when you are finished.
If you're happy with the image click the blue tick to approve the competency.
Induction uploads list
Click Users Mobile Uploads.
Click the Inductions tab to see a list of all induction details uploaded by fieldworkers using the Fieldworker app.
Start typing in the search bar to filter the list or search for a specific induction/s, e.g. by user or induction name, expiry or upload date.
Click ˅ or ˄ at the top of any column to sort the list alphabetically (or numerically, depending on the column) in ascending or descending order.
Click on an induction image to view the detail. Here you can rotate the image and/or print the induction detail. Click Close when you’re finished.
If the induction image is unclear or invalid, send an SMS or call the fieldworker and ask them to re-send.
You can click the yellow button to edit the competency. You can change the competency type they are requesting, image or comment. Click Update when you are finished.
If you're happy with the image click the blue tick to approve the competency.
Delete an uploaded competency/induction
Click on the red trash can button next to a competency/induction in the list to delete the uploaded competency/induction altogether.
You will see a message asking “Are you sure you want to delete this item?” Click OK (or cancel if you’re not sure). If you delete an uploaded competency/induction it will be removed from the system and cannot be restored.