Order Reports
This is where you can generate charts and reports relating to your orders.
There are four types of visual reports you will be able to see and run.
Tasks Allocated
Time sheets submitted that are associated to an order
Number of total allocations for the year
Check in/Check out
View Tasks Allocated chart
To view the total tasks allocated:
Click Orders Reports.
Click the Tasks allocated tab to view a bar chart showing total tasks allocated for orders within a selected time period. The order type will default to Wet & Labour Hire and the Start and End date will default to the days date.
You can change these by clicking on each applicable field and altering the bar chart. -
Other editable and searchable fields include tasks and order status. To change these, click on each applicable field
Once you have set your search fields click show
The bar chart will then populate with all tasks allocated applicable to your search fields.
It will also show you a list of these tasks and the number of order tasks and order allocations each has below the bar chart. This list can then be exported to CSV by clicking on Export to CSV

View the Order Time sheets Report
Click Orders Reports
Click the Timesheets tab
The Date will default to the days date. This can be changed by clicking on the date field and selecting the applicable date you wish to search by. Click Search.
All time sheets that have been submitted and are associated to an order will show. This report will show the details of that time sheet and will also allow you to compare the total allocated time, to the actual time submitted by the worker.
You can also use the search bar to filter through these results
To export this, click on the green Excel button

Should you wish to view an order that a time sheet has been submitted to, within this view, click on the three dots in the far right column and select View Order. This will take you to the time sheets applicable order

View Totals Report
This report will show you the total number of allocations for the year.
Click Orders Reports
Click the Totals tab.
The year will automatically default to the current year. To change this, select from the year drop down list -
Once you have made any search changes, click search.
This will then show you two bar charts - a total number of orders per month split by order status and also a total number of time sheets submitted per month

View Check In/Out report
Click Orders Reports.
Click the Check in/out tab to view a list of worker check in and check out times for all allocations on a selected date.
The default date is today’s date.
If this is not what you want to see, click to select a different date using the dropdown calendar and click Search.
Click the blue Order ID button in the ID column to see a popup summary of that order.
Click the blue view map icon next to any check in or check out to display a map for the geolocation of the worker when they checked in/out.