Basics: Incomplete Orders

  • Updated

Incomplete orders are active orders that have not yet been allocated or have not been fully allocated. If an order is in this list it will also be in the orders list.

Incomplete Orders list

  1. Click Orders Incomplete Orders to see your list of incomplete orders. Incomplete orders are highlighted in different colours depending on their status:

  2. Start typing in the search bar to filter the list or search for a specific order/s, e.g. by order ID, task name, client, project, PO #, start time or owner.

  3. Click ˅ or ˄ at the top of any column to sort the list alphabetically (or numerically, depending on the column) in ascending or descending order.

  4. Click the blue Order ID button next to an incomplete order to see a popup order summary, including tasks and allocations.

  5. Click the Context Menu Edit to see the details and/or edit the order, including allocations. 

  6. Click save 

Archive an incomplete order

If you archive an incomplete order it will be removed from the incomplete orders list and moved to the Archived Orders list. Archived orders are not visible in the resource timeline. Resources cannot be allocated to archived orders.

  1. Click Orders Incomplete Orders Archive Order (red button next to an order in the incomplete order list).

  2. You will see a message asking “Are you sure you want to archive [order number]?” Click OK (or cancel if you’re not sure).

  3. Click Orders Orders Archived Orders to manage archived orders.

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