Archiving an order
Should you wish to archive an order and no longer see this in the Orders Overview section, you'll need to do the following:
1. Find the order in the orders overview page
2. Click the three dots in the far right column
3. Select Archive Order from the drop down list
4. A pop out screen will appear asking you to confirm that you wish to archive that order. Select OK to archive or cancel
When you’ve archived an order you can see it in the Archived Orders list. Archived orders are not visible in the order calendar or timeline. Resources cannot be allocated to archived orders.
Archived Orders list
To see any of the orders you have previously archived, select Archived Orders from the left tool bar. This will show you a full list of any orders that have been archived.
The default filter for archived orders in the list is the current fortnight. To change this, select a different date range in the drop down calendar, then click the search button
If you select a start date later than the end date, the end date is set to be the same as the start date and vice versa.
You can also type in the available search bar to filter the list or search for a specific archived order/s, e.g. by order ID, client, project, PO # or start time.
Alternative, you can sort alphabetically (or numerically depending on the column) by any of the top columns through clicking ˅ or ˄ at the top of any column in ascending or descending order.
Restore an archived order
Click on the three dots in the far right column
Select Restore from the drop down
A pop out screen will appear asking you to confirm that you wish to archive that order. Select OK to archive or cancel
Delete an archived order
Click on the three dots in the far right column
Select Restore from the drop down
You will see a message asking “Are you sure you want to permanently delete [archived order number]?” Click OK (or cancel if you’re not sure). If you delete an archived order it will be removed from the system and cannot be restored.