Advanced: Orders 101

  • Updated

For each client/customer job, an order is created. Each order can have multiple tasks and multiple assets or workers for each task, with a start and end date based on the job duration.
Client purchases orders can also be attached and added for reference. These order details can then be printed or emailed via Assignar. 

To create a new order, you can read about it here 

Order search

  1. Click Orders Orders to see your list of orders. Orders are highlighted in different colours depending on their status:

  2. Click on the +Advanced Search button to display advanced search fields.

  3. Enter one or more search criteria depending on what you want to see, then click the Search button.

  • NB when you use the advanced search option and click search, it will automatically save the search options. Until this is cleared, each time the orders list view is selected, these search options will appear.  
    Click clear to clear your search options 


View order summary

  1. Click Orders Orders to see your list of orders.

  2. Click the blue button in the Order ID column to see a popup summary of that order.

  3. Click the order number in the top left of the popup to edit the order.

  4. Click the Download PDF button to create a PDF order summary that you can print or save.

  5. Start typing in the search bar to filter the list or search for a specific allocation/s, e.g. by task name, asset, date, start/end time, worker, status or notified.

  6. Click ˅ or ˄ at the top of any column to sort the list alphabetically (or numerically, depending on the column) in ascending or descending order.

  7. Click the View button next to a selected task/date to open the order’s Allocations tab, where you can view or edit resource allocation details for the task.

Change Order status

There are two ways to update the status of an order:

  1. Click Orders Orders to view the orders list.

  2. Click on the order ID number of the order you wish to update to make it editable.

  3. Select a new status from the drop-down list in the Status column.

  4. You will see a message confirming that “Status for order [order number] has been updated.”


  1. Click Orders Orders Edit to view and/or update details for an existing order.

  2. Under the Order details tab, click the Order Status drop-down list and select a new status for this order.

  3. Click Save Order when you’ve finished making changes. You will see a message to confirm that the order has been saved.

NB. The order status is different from the worker status found under the order’s Notify Workers tab. Only orders with a status of ‘confirmed’ will be visible to fieldworkers in the allocations screen of the Fieldworker app.

Export Orders

  1. Click Orders Orders to view the orders list.

  2. Click Export to extract the orders list to an Excel spreadsheet.

  3. Click the Excel file at the bottom of the screen to open the spreadsheet.

  4. NB. This may appear slightly differently depending on your computer’s settings.

  5. All standard Excel functionality is available to view and analyse the data.

  6. Save the Excel spreadsheet.


 Email an order

  1. Click Orders Orders Edit to view and/or update details for an existing order.

  2. Under the Order Details tab, click the Email Order button in the top right of the screen.

  3. You will see a popup window with an email summarising the order’s details.

  4. Enter one or more email addresses in the To box, with a comma in between each email address if more than one.

  5. Enter an email address in the Reply-to box. This is where any replies to this email will be sent.

  6. If you want to, you can modify the email subject and/or message (optional).

  7. Tick or untick order attachment/s depending on whether you want to include them in the email.

  8. Click the Send button when you’re ready to send the email.

  9. You can click on the other tabs of this order, go back to the orders list using the navigation buttons across the top of the screen, or just go to a different screen by clicking an option in the side menu.

Save or print an order summary

  1. Click Orders Orders Edit to view and/or update details for an existing order.Under the Order Details tab, click the red Download PDF button in the top right of the screen. OR Click the red Download PDF button in the popup order summary.

  2. A PDF summary of the order’s details will open in a new tab of your web browser.

  1. Hover your mouse in the lower right-hand part of the screen to display buttons to zoom, save or print the PDF file.

  2. Close the new tab in your web browser or click back on the Order details tab at the top of the screen.


Manage Order Timesheets

Once the fieldworker’s allocations and the order have been confirmed and work has commenced, you can view all timesheets that have been submitted for this order.

  1. Click Orders Orders Edit to view and/or update details for an existing order.

  2. Click the Timesheets tab to view all fieldworker timesheets that have been submitted for this order. Approved timesheets are highlighted in green.NB. The Timesheets tab is not available for dry hire (asset only) orders.

  3. Click the Order summary button at the top right to view a popup order summary.

  4. In this screen, you can view or edit a timesheet, approve a timesheet or delete a timesheet the same as you can by using the timesheets list in the Timesheets module.

Archive an Order

If you archive an order it will be removed from the orders list and moved to the Archived Orders list. Archived orders are not visible in the order calendar or timeline. Resources cannot be allocated to archived orders.

  1. Click Orders Orders Archive Order 

  2. You will see a message asking “Are you sure you want to archive [order number]?” Click OK (or cancel if you’re not sure).

  3. Click Orders Orders Archived Orders to manage archived orders.

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