Set Up Your Clients

  • Updated

Who this feature is for

  • Those set up as a Dashboard User with access to Assisted Import in the Assignar Web App.
  • Those responsible for the setup of Assignar in your company.

Now, it's time to set up your Clients, so you can track valuable contact information as well as attach projects, orders, timesheets and dockets to clients to help you get your work done.


Watch this short video.

To learn how to setup your Clients with our Assisted Import. Or, read on for the written steps below.

Disclaimer: The video steps through setting up Fieldworkers, however the steps are practically the same for Clients.


Under Settings, go to the Assisted Import page and tap Upload 



Complete your Clients information

You'll then see a table where you can start to fill out more information about your Clients. 



Fields Field Description
Client Name The name of the company or business you do jobs or projects for.
External ID
Used to store an ID value from an external system e.g. your Invoicing or ERP application. When you export data from another system, you can include this field to easily import it into other applications (such as Assignar) and make sure the data matches.
ABN/TIN A client’s tax identification number.
The primary email address you use to communicate with your client.
Office Phone The client’s office phone / land line number.
Mobile Phone The client’s mobile phone number.
Address The client’s address including city, state and postal code.
Any additional notes or information about the client.


You can upload this data into Assignar

To make this process more efficient, you can tap Upload from file and upload this data into Assignar. Alternatively, you can manually type in this information too.



Map your uploaded data to the Assignar data types

Just think of this as moving the data from an external 'bucket' into the right Assignar 'bucket'. Once everything is correctly mapped, tap Review to preview your work before committing. 



If there are any issues, we'll highlight them in red and give you the chance to fix them.

Data immediately flagged in red are improperly formatted or have missing data. Correct any issues in your data.



Once all your issues are corrected, tap Continue and your data will be uploaded. Success!

To see your new Clients, go to the Client page on our Assignar Web App.

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