Single Value Charts
Single value charts are individual numbers - often key metrics - that can be included in dashboards. In the example below the top section shows values for number of Projects, Work Orders, Tasks and Resources as single value charts. They are generally used to aggregate 1 particular metric over a period of time.
For this kind of a chart, you only need 1 measure. If you want to slice this data by one or more dimensions, you can simply include those in filters.
If you want to create a chart that shows “Month to date work orders” you would:
pull the measure “Total Work Orders“ in the "Data" area
Add Work Order Created Date in the Filter Area.
Click Run
And Assignar automatically gives you a Single Value Chart as the most appropriate visualization
If you want to change the color you can do that from the edit menu, which is activated by the cog icon
Bar Charts
Bar Charts are the most basic type of graphical charts. They are typically used when you want to compare different categories.
In order to create bar charts, you will need 1 dimension and 1 measure in your data.
For example, if you want to see number of orders per project then you would use a bar chart.
The figure above is a bar chart with horizontal bars. The different bars will represent different projects and the height of the bars will be the value of the “count of total work orders“. Generally use this bar chart when you have a lot categories to look at.
However, in case of fewer categories you could also use a column chart. This chart presents the data in a similar fashion.
You can edit the colors by selecting Edit, then Series.

You can edit the X Axis Name by selecting Edit → X.
The same applies to the Y Axis Name. You can edit it by selecting Edit → Y.
When you add a second dimension to the chart, you can create 3 other types of Bar Charts as shown below.
In case of the sample above, if you would want to see orders by Projects and Suppliers, you can create:
Grouped Bar Charts : The first dimension you choose forms the groups. Colors are used to represent the second dimension. The height of the bars will be based on the value of the measure you choose. In this case, the suppliers are represented by the color and the projects forms the groups where the height of the bars is the value of the measure “Total Work Orders“.
Stacked Bar Charts : The first dimension you choose establishes the groups. Colors are used to represent the second dimension. In a Stacked Bar Chart, results are stacked on top of each other. The height of the bars by color will be based on the value of the measure you choose. In this case you can see that the total height of the bars is the same as the work orders/project. Within a project, the number of orders that need to be fulfilled per supplier is represented by the different colors.
Stacked Percentage Bar Charts : The height of all the bars are scaled to 100% to show the proportion of the second dimension in groups formed by first dimension. In this case, the chart shows each supplier (each representing a different color) and displays the proportion of the orders that they will fulfill.
Pie Chart
A pie chart is a 2 dimensional circular graph that is used to compare or understand the size and the proportion of a category / dimension to its entire data set, generally use to measure “part-to-whole relationship”.

The example above shows the work order status and % of orders that are currently in those stages.
Line Chart
Line charts depict trends. They should be used when you want to see data over a period of time.
Line charts will generally show how you are performing as compared to previous months/quarters/years.
For this chart, you need 1 dimension and 1 measure. Any more dimensions should be used as filters. In most cases the X axis will be some kind of time field.
In the figure above, we are showing how many work orders have been created since 2019-01-01.
To edit the color of the line on the graph, you can select Edit → Series.

To change the label on the X Axis, select Edit → X.
To change the label on the Y Axis, select Edit → Y.

If you want to show the number of orders fulfilled by different suppliers over a period of time, you will need to add Supplier to this graph and pivot it.
In the graph above you can see how different suppliers are different lines which are represented by different colors over a period of time.
Geospatial Analysis
Any data element used which has a geographic component like latitude, longitude, street addresses or post/zip codes can be used for geo spatial analysis.
For example, if you want to review where all your work orders are going to take place, you can use the Map chart visualize this data. Just make sure you always select the dimension “……For Map“. e.g if you want to look at Timesheets use the dimension “Timesheet Location1 For Map“.
You can Zoom In and Zoom Out of the Map using the + and - signs in the visualization area.

However, if the circles are too small, you can change those circles to icons from Edit → Points → Select Icon in the Type section.

If you want to add a design to those icons, like a gavel, you can do this through Edit → Points → Select Gavel in the Icon section.

If you want to create a heat map to see key areas (e.g. for number of orders), you can do so by selecting Edit → Plot → Select Automagic Heatmap.
The colors will represent the volume of the orders from a particular location
If you want to combine heat map effect but with circles then you need just change 1 setting by going to: Edit → Points → change Radius Units to Pixels.
The colors and the radius in the above chart both represent the volume of the measure.