Forms are being used for a wide range of use cases. With Insights you can now view and aggregate the collected data.
Form Associations
When you start to create a form, the basic information that you can associate this form with is defined in the "Configure" area.

In Insights, you can slice collected form results by these entities (Clients, Projects, Suppliers, Assets/Equipment or Workers):

Form Assignments
The form can be assigned to an office employee by using Allocate to. You can go to a form result and set the status and the assignee.

If you want to analyze your forms or form results you can do this also by slicing on “Assign to Dashboard Users” in Explore:

Form Submissions
If you want to see how many forms were submitted by your workers versus how many were submitted by office employees, then use the following entities:
Created By Dashboard users
Created By Fieldworker

Pull questions and answers into the form result report
To bring questions into the results report, you can use Question from Form Results Detail, depending on the Question Type you select.

If your question type is:
Number then you choose “Answer Number“
Worker then you choose “Full Name“ or any other attribute from “Answer Fieldworker Entity“
Equipment/Asset then you choose any other attribute from “Answer Equipment/Asset Entity“
Everything else you choose “Answer Text“

If you need to aggregate(sum) the answers which were of the question type number, you can use the measure “Sum of Results Answer Number“:

Payroll Reports
If you need to create a report in a very specific format, where answers are presented below the questions, you simply:
Pull the Questions in.
Pivot the Questions
Pull the “Results Answers“ from Form Result Details Answers.