Create Drill Downs and Alerts

  • Updated

What are Drill Downs?

You have the ability to look at the information behind a chart. Just click on the area of the chart that you are interested in (a slice of the pie, a bar on the graph): this opens a report that shows the details behind the chart area.

You can also further drill down into the individual orders or clients or projects so that you can view the information for each of the relevant Assignar modules.

A picture containing graphical user interface, table

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How to receive Alerts from Insights

Instead of continuously checking reports and dashboards, it is possible to receive an email with an alert if specific criteria are met. The alerts feature will give you an email such as the example below.

Chart, waterfall chart

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To set this up, create a dashboard chart and use the alert bell (see image below). Enter who should get the alert, when, how often and which of the items you want to be alerted on.

Graphical user interface, application

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