Q3 2022 Product Release

  • Updated

The Q3 2022 Product Release is full of a bunch of exciting new features that we are excited for you to start using.  Thanks for all of the suggestions and feedback that contributed to this release.  This release will be available for all customers the week of September 5th, 2022.

Assisted Data Import 

We are very excited to release our next generation data onboarding tool that makes it even easier for our customers to get up and running with Assignar.  Learn more about Assisted Data Import.

A few of the key benefits of this feature are:

  • Less data clean up and spreadsheet transformation, we help you do it during the process

  • A guided experience, helps users easily get their data matched up to the assignar platform.

  • Automatic Mapping speeds the process even further, using AI the system gets smarter as you use it pre-matching columns for you so all you have to do is confirm the mapping.

  • Automatic error detection, helps the user clean up any issues found along the way such as missing data or duplicates.


Assignar Signals for Scheduling

Scheduling in Assignar has just become a whole lot better with new Signals.  Signals help you identify issues in your schedule whether you have an avaialbility issue with a worker / machine or a compliance related issue.  Now Assignar signals are surfaced right on your project timeline, letting you easily see when there is an issue and making those issues with your schedule easier to fix.  Learn more about Assignar Signals for Scheduling.



Assignar Insights Updates

Insights Landing Page

Makes it easy to find and use templated reports and dashboards. The new Landing Page has a search capability as well as a filter for personal and/or shared content. Users can now also favorite and pin dashboards. Available for all users with Insights access.


Real Time Reporting

Real-time reporting is back in Insights! In addition to the new and improved analytics, which supports complex data analytics with great performance on large, long-term data sets, we now also have real-time reports as part of the new Insights.  When you open insights you will now see the option to open Reporting or Data Analytics depending on the type of insights you need to create.

Important to know:

  • Real-time reporting has 30-days worth of data. All changes in Assignar (e.g. Timesheet modifications) are available immediately. Reporting and notification workflows can - yet again - be supported.

  • Data Analytics has all historical data created by customers in Assignar. For data optimization reasons, data is available about 30 minutes after changes are applied.

New Report Templates

We have added 2 new report templates that you will get out of the box with Insights.

  • Worker Utilization - This dashboard answers questions for Operations Managers like "How well am I utilizing my workers?" and "Are there any areas I can improve and take up more work or allocate work better?"
  • Progress Tracking - This dashboard answer questions for Project Managers like "What are my daily production trends?" and "Will I be able to finish this job on time?"



New Help Documentation

Assignar is issuing a complete refresh of it’s support documentation. This new support library will help customers get started faster, make it easier to find information about features and common workflows and will be more visual in nature making it easy for users short on time to get the information they need and move on with their day.

A few of the updates...

  • Getting Started Guide - Assignar’s new Getting Started guide will provide an arrival point for new Assignar customers. Here they will get an introduction to Assignar through a series of short videos. By the end of this onboarding guide users will get a good understanding of all of the key elements of Assignar so that they can onboard their users, schedule jobs and collect data from the field.

  • Updated Navigation and Styling - We have updated some of the layouts in our support documentation to make it easier to navigate. First there is a new toolbar across the top that will give you quick access to libraries of information about common topics like Scheduling or Time Tracking. Second, when reading articles you will be able to easily see all related articles about that topic. These articles are ordered so that you can learn Assignar faster.

  • More Video Content and Walkthroughs - We know that learning our software is not your full time job that's why we are adding more video content for you to quickly learn about how to use features. We don’t want to tell you, we want to show you!



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