Who this article is for
If you're a Supervisor, who creates all of your crew's Timesheets on their behalf, then you can use Site Diary to do it in just a few taps.
You can printout an A3 step by step tutorial of how to submit a Site Diary here!
To begin, tap +Add Timesheets
You’ll then see a list of all the workers in your crew that were scheduled to work on this particular job.
You can tap Add Worker to add a worker who wasn't scheduled to come in or tap on a workers name to remove those that didn't work too.
Next, breakdown your crew's time
Add their Activities, Breaks and Allowances. What you're essentially doing here is creating a Timesheet for your entire crew with the same start and end time.
Did a worker finish earlier than the rest? Or maybe someone had an extra break? Don't worry, you'll be refine those details later!
Then, Save!
A Timesheet will then be created for your crew. We'll submit these Timesheets once you’ve submitted your Site Diary.
Did one of your Workers work different hours?
Maybe some workers clocked off a little earlier than the others or maybe they used a specific piece of equipment? You can now fine tune those worker's Timesheets.
- From the Site Diary Overview, tap on the Timesheets card like above
- You’ll then be taken to the Timesheets page, where you’ll see a list of all your worker’s timesheets.
- Select your Worker’s Timesheet.
- Make edits as required.
- Save
Can Workers make changes to their own Timesheet?
They'll be able to see their Timesheet from their assignment card. However, they cannot make edits or override any changes you've made. If there is a mistake in their Timesheet, they'll need to raise it with you or Payroll.