Setup sharing Site Diary to a Client

  • Updated

Who can setup this feature

  • Those setup as a Dashboard User with access to Scheduler in the Assignar Web App.
  • Those who work in planning, scheduling or interact with inbound information from the jobsite.


You can enable your Supervisors to send a PDF copy of their Site Diary to the Client when submitting their Site Diary. 




First, you'll need to setup your Client's contact information

  1. Go to the Clients page.
  2. Select the Client.
  3. Under the Contact field, tap Add New
  4. Complete required fields
  5. Add Contact
  6. Save Client



Next, you'll need to add the Client in the Order

  1. Go to the Scheduler page
  2. Edit Order
  3. Under Client Contacts, add your Contacts.
  4. Save



Once setup, your Supervisors will be able to choose who to send a PDF copy of their Site Diary to when submitting their Site Diary.

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