Archive a Form

  • Updated

Who this feature is for

  • Those set up as a Dashboard User with access to Forms in the Assignar Web App.
  • Those responsible for building and distributing Forms to workers.

We recommend to archive Forms that are no longer in use to reduce clutter. Once Forms are archived, they're moved to a different page, but don't worry, you can restore it at any time.


How to archive a Form

  1. Under Field Data, go to the Forms page.
  2. Next to the Form you want to archive, tap the  icon.
  3. Tap Archive
  4. OK
  5. Your Form will then be moved to the Archived Forms page.


How to restore a Form

You can restore an Archived Form in those scenarios where you need them to be used again.

  1. Under Field Data, go to the Archived Forms page.
  2. Next to the Form you want to restore, tap the icon.
  3. Tap Restore
  4. OK
  5. Your Form will then be moved to the Forms page.


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