Reviewing your Crew's Timesheets in Site Diary

  • Updated

Who this article is for


If your workers submit their own Timesheets, as the Supervisor, you can review that time in your Site Diary. 

You can printout an A3 step by step tutorial of how to submit a Site Diary here!


As soon as a Worker has created their Timesheet, you'll see it in your Site Diary.

Crew Timesheets.png

Seeing an Add Timesheets button? This means that none of the workers in your crew have created their Timesheet yet. You can either wait or tap the Add Timesheets button to create their Timesheet on their behalf. Learn more here.


You can tap into the Timesheet and amend their time

Bulk Create - Edit Timesheet.png

  1. From the Site Diary Overview, tap on Timesheets like above
  2. You’ll then be taken to the Timesheets page, where you’ll see a list of all your worker’s timesheets.
  3. Select your Worker’s Timesheet.
  4. Make edits as required.
  5. Save


Can't edit your Worker's Started or Pending Submission Timesheet?

You cannot edit Timesheets with a Started or Pending Submission status. This is to prevent you from editing a Timesheet that a worker is still working on. To unblock yourself from submitting your Site Diary, you can either:

  • Wait for the worker to submit their Timesheet
  • Remove the Timesheet from your Site Diary. Removing will not delete the Timesheet. However, it won't be part of this Site Diary.



Your crew will be able to view your changes

Your workers should be able to see your changes from their assignment card. However, they won’t be able to make edits or override any changes you've made. If they notice a mistake in their Timesheet, they will either need to raise it with you or Payroll.

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