Edit a Digital Docket (Ticket) Template

  • Updated

How to Edit a Docket (Ticket) Template

  1. Go to Field Data > Dockets (Tickets)
  2. Click on the Templates tab
  3. Click on the name of the template you'd like to edit
  4. Make the appropriate edits
    • If adding questions, please see the note below
  5. Save & Close

Edit a Docket

Important Note on Copying Questions ⚠️

When adding questions to an existing docket (ticket), do not copy an existing question. Doing so will create a new ID for the original question resulting in previous data (i.e., previous answers) being unviewable. Instead, use one of the following options:

Option 1: Add a New Question

  1. Open the existing docket (ticket)
  2. Click Add Question
  3. Save & Close

Option 2: Copy the Entire Template

Copy Docket Template

  1. Go to the templates page
  2. Click the three vertical dots > Copy
  3. Make the appropriate edits
  4. Save & Close

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