Submitting Leave Requests

  • Updated

Leave Requests can be submitted by workers from the mobile app, or by dashboard users from the web app.


Submit a Leave Request from Mobile

From the mobile home screen, open your profile by clicking the avatar in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Then select Leave Requests, and click the + button to create a new one.


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When creating a new leave request, first select the leave type (i.e. sick leave, paid time off...), then select the leave dates. By default, the leave request will be for entire days off, but you can toggle on the Custom Hours option to select specific hours that you will be off. This is useful if you're only taking a part day off, for example you're off from 8am - 11am for a dr. appointment. The scheduler will see you're only off for those specific hours, and can then schedule you for work in the afternoon.


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You can optionally add a description or an attachment (i.e. an image or PDF of a doctor's note). Non-working days are indicated, and leave timesheets will not be created for those days.


Submit a Leave Request from the Web App

Web App users can submit leave requests on behalf of workers. This is useful for paid holidays or if a worker needs to take emergency time off and doesn't submit the request on their own. From the left hand navigation, expand Worker Planning and then select Leave Requests. 


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From the Leave Request page, click the "+ Leave Request" button to create a new leave request. If your profile has enabled "Assigned Leave Requests Only" then you'll only be able to create leave requests for your assigned workers. 


Select the worker taking leave (you can multi-select many workers), input the dates, leave type, and optionally a description or attachments. Standard shift is a full day leave, custom hours is for partial day leave.


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By default, the leave request will be approved when you create it, but you can create the leave request in the pending state by selecting Pending in the dropdown at the top right of the screen. If you are creating the leave request in the approved state, then you can also opt to create timesheets for the leave dates for payroll purposes (see the Approve Leave and Create Leave Timesheets article).


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