Build a Form

  • Updated

Who this article is for

  • Dashboard Users with access to Forms in the Assignar Web App
  • Those responsible for reviewing Forms submitted from the field
  • Note: starting July 1, 2024 all form results will be found in Field DataForms

In this article, you'll learn the basics for building a Form using our Form builder.

1. Add a new Form

  1. Go to Field Data Forms
  2. Click  +Add new Form
  3. Enter the Form's name
  4. Optionally, add a description
  5. Build Form




You'll then land in the Form builder, where you can start to build your Forms.

The Form builder has 3 sections:


Where you can manage the Form's rules and settings


Where you will set up your questions


Which will show you a preview of what the Form will look like


2. Add questions to your Form

  1. In the Build section, click Add Question
  2. Choose which type of question to add to the Form.
  3. Enter the question that the user will see when filling out the form in the Question field


Each question will have some common settings that you can choose to configure

Setting Description

Click the icon to remove the question from the Form.


Click the icon to duplicate the question.


Click the icon to collapse the question to make the form easier to read.


If checked, users will be required to complete this question to submit the form.


If checked, allows you to insert a link that users can navigate to if they need additional information.


Allows you to show or hide a question based on the answer to a previous question. Learn more about conditional logic on forms in the Conditional Form Logic article.



3. Review your questions in the Preview section

As you add your questions to your form, you can review what it looks like to the user in the Preview section.




4. Configure your Form's settings 

The Configure section helps control how and what information is captured by workers when they complete the form.

Settings Description
Notification Addresses

Emails entered here will be sent a copy of this form when submitted. These do not need to be Assignar users.

Assign on Submit

The form result will be assigned to the specified Assignar user when submitted.

Status on Submit

Allows you to set the status when the form is submitted ie if it needs to be reviewed you could set to "Needs Review".  Custom statuses can be added on the Form Statuses page.

Associate with

You can choose to associate a form to a client, project, asset, worker or supplier.  If you check one of these boxes whoever is filling out this form will be required to make those selections.

PO on Form Results

Will display a PO number on the form result.

Activate Geolocation

Captures the location from which a form is submitted.

Timesheet Required

If checked, user must fill out this form before completing a timesheet for the day.


If checked the form will be accessible to your workers from the Assignar Mobile App.

Make Editable

If checked form results will be editable from the Assignar Web App.

Make Collaborative

If checked multiple employees will be able to contribute to the form.

Access Permission

Control access to specific groups of employees by entering user tags here.  Only users with the tag will have access to the form.



5. Save and Publish your Form!

Once you publish your Form, it will become visible for your workers to view and complete from the Assignar Mobile App.

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