Track Weather in Site Diary

  • Updated

Who this article is for

  • Supervisors (Foreman) with access to Site Diary in the Assignar Mobile App.
  • Before opening Site Diary, make sure you've updated your Assignar Mobile App to the latest version (min v8.10+)
  • This article is available in Spanish here


You can record and track weather observations throughout your job, from your Site Diary. You'll see weather observations from 4 hours before the start of the first shift, to track if the Site has been impacted before work starts.



Can't see weather like the image above?

Admin will need to set this up for you. Alternatively, you can manually select a single weather type for the day as shown below. 

Note for admins: You can learn how to set this up here.



What happens if a Site Diary is submitted a day late?

If you're submitting a Site Diary a day late, you can also manually select a weather type for the day.

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